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Descobriu la sofisticació i comoditat d'aquestes sabates derbi home d'estiu
Aquesta sofisticada sabata per a home de Lottusse forma part de la col·lecció Harrys. Està confeccionat en pell de boví suau i flexible, amb un luxós acabat brillant. El tradicional estil derbi garanteix que resistirà el pas del temps, i el clàssic color negre el converteix en l'opció perfecta per anar a l'oficina o altres esdeveniments formals.CARACTERÍSTIQUES DEL PRODUCTE
- Tipus de producte: Sabates Derby
- Gènere: Home
- Model: Harrys Derbys
- Color: Negre
- Material: Pell de boví
- Curtició: Crom
- Sola: Pell i goma
- Alçada Tacó: 3 cm
- Talla: Talla del producte Regne Unit
Aquesta sabata derbi per a home de Lottusse és lelecció perfecta per als que busquen sofisticació i comoditat. Confeccionat en pell de boví suau i flexible amb un luxós acabat brillant, aquesta sabata destaca pel seu estil tradicional derbi i el seu clàssic color negre.
Ja sigui per a l'oficina o per a esdeveniments formals, aquesta sabata us brindarà un look elegant i atemporal. La combinació de materials d'alta qualitat i el disseny resistent garanteixen durabilitat i confort durant tot el dia.
Confia en la marca Lottusse i gaudeix de l'excel·lència artesanal a cada pas. Actualitza el teu guarda-roba amb aquestes sabates Harrys Derbys i eleva el teu estil amb un toc de sofisticació.
Troba la peça de moda per a tu a Tascón. Explora la nostra àmplia selecció de productes i troba el calçat, les peces de roba i els complements que millor combinin i s'adaptin al teu estil i preferències. Si tens alguna pregunta o necessites ajuda, el nostre equip d'estilistes és aquí per oferir assistència personalitzada. Contacta'ns a través del xat i estarem encantats d'ajudar-te a fer la teva comanda!
A Tascón volem que trobis el calçat o peça de moda perfecta per a tu!
Enviaments i Devolucions
Enviaments i Devolucions
- Canvis de Talla Gratis a Espanya Peninsular i Balears.
- 100% Pagament Segur amb Targeta de Crèdit o Dèbit
- Devolucions en un termini de 15 dies des de la data de lliurament per correu oa botigues Tascón.
- 1 any de garantia per defectes de fàbrica.
- Reserva i recollida gratuïta a la botiga.
- Gaudeix d'enviaments estàndard per 3,95€ i express per 8,95€ a la península i balears
- Enviaments a la Unió Europea per 8,95€
- Enviaments resta del món per 28,95€
- Lliurament urgent amb neutralitat climàtica disponible.
- Més informació sobre enviaments
- Més informació sobre devolucions
Cura del Producte
Cura del Producte
Les nostres sabates estan fetes amb materials de la millor qualitat, acuradament seleccionats.
Si utilitzes els productes adequats per a la seva cura, es mantindran com a nous durant molt de temps.
Si cuides bé les sabates, els peus arribaran molt lluny.
Per saber més sobre els diferents productes de cura de calçat descobreix la nostra selecció al següent enllaç: Cura del Calçat .

Purchased in the heartbeat of Barcelona, where cobblestone whispers and Gothic arches cradle dreams, these shoes walked into my life like a crescendo. Lottusse—classic, timeless, like the tales of old, yet daring in its modernity. The kind of shoe that stands as much in the realm of function as it does in poetry.
The silhouette? Immaculate. Black leather, gleaming like the night sky over La Rambla. They speak of understated elegance, of a man who knows where he’s going without needing to shout it. A stylish paradox of humility and confidence—classic yet cutting-edge, reserved yet radiant.
Ah, but the leather. Stiff like the first stanza of a sonnet, unyielding as the windmill Don Quixote tilted against. These shoes demand patience, a courtship of sorts. Days of slow submission to your feet, moments of wondering if the reward is worth the discomfort. But trust me—it is. Once broken in, they mold to you, becoming not just footwear but a second skin, loyal and steadfast.
And the craftsmanship—my God, the craftsmanship. Each stitch feels like it was penned by Cervantes himself, imbued with purpose and permanence. These aren’t just shoes; they’re a legacy. Built to last through years, through seasons, through storms of rain and moments of brilliance. Quality doesn’t just meet expectation here; it surpasses it, redefines it.
So, to the craftsmen of Lottusse, and to the cobbled streets of Barcelona where I first laced them up: thank you. These shoes carry the soul of the city, the weight of my 25th anniversary, and the promise of steps yet to be taken.
Canvis de talla gratis a Espanya peninsular i balears
Telèfon: +34 932 435 366
Email: hello@tascon.es
De dilluns a divendres de 10:00 a 18:00 CET
Procés de pagaments online amb Stripe o ShopPay 100% segur amb targeta de crèdit
Lliuraments de 3 a 5 dies tret dels productes per encàrrec.
Tradició des del 1959 treballant amb les millors marques de calçat
Purchased in the heartbeat of Barcelona, where cobblestone whispers and Gothic arches cradle dreams, these shoes walked into my life like a crescendo. Lottusse—classic, timeless, like the tales of old, yet daring in its modernity. The kind of shoe that stands as much in the realm of function as it does in poetry.
The silhouette? Immaculate. Black leather, gleaming like the night sky over La Rambla. They speak of understated elegance, of a man who knows where he’s going without needing to shout it. A stylish paradox of humility and confidence—classic yet cutting-edge, reserved yet radiant.
Ah, but the leather. Stiff like the first stanza of a sonnet, unyielding as the windmill Don Quixote tilted against. These shoes demand patience, a courtship of sorts. Days of slow submission to your feet, moments of wondering if the reward is worth the discomfort. But trust me—it is. Once broken in, they mold to you, becoming not just footwear but a second skin, loyal and steadfast.
And the craftsmanship—my God, the craftsmanship. Each stitch feels like it was penned by Cervantes himself, imbued with purpose and permanence. These aren’t just shoes; they’re a legacy. Built to last through years, through seasons, through storms of rain and moments of brilliance. Quality doesn’t just meet expectation here; it surpasses it, redefines it.
So, to the craftsmen of Lottusse, and to the cobbled streets of Barcelona where I first laced them up: thank you. These shoes carry the soul of the city, the weight of my 25th anniversary, and the promise of steps yet to be taken.
Purchased in the heartbeat of Barcelona, where cobblestone whispers and Gothic arches cradle dreams, these shoes walked into my life like a crescendo. Lottusse—classic, timeless, like the tales of old, yet daring in its modernity. The kind of shoe that stands as much in the realm of function as it does in poetry.
The silhouette? Immaculate. Black leather, gleaming like the night sky over La Rambla. They speak of understated elegance, of a man who knows where he’s going without needing to shout it. A stylish paradox of humility and confidence—classic yet cutting-edge, reserved yet radiant.
Ah, but the leather. Stiff like the first stanza of a sonnet, unyielding as the windmill Don Quixote tilted against. These shoes demand patience, a courtship of sorts. Days of slow submission to your feet, moments of wondering if the reward is worth the discomfort. But trust me—it is. Once broken in, they mold to you, becoming not just footwear but a second skin, loyal and steadfast.
And the craftsmanship—my God, the craftsmanship. Each stitch feels like it was penned by Cervantes himself, imbued with purpose and permanence. These aren’t just shoes; they’re a legacy. Built to last through years, through seasons, through storms of rain and moments of brilliance. Quality doesn’t just meet expectation here; it surpasses it, redefines it.
So, to the craftsmen of Lottusse, and to the cobbled streets of Barcelona where I first laced them up: thank you. These shoes carry the soul of the city, the weight of my 25th anniversary, and the promise of steps yet to be taken.